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Golden Leaves feature in this year’s Parliamentary Review
Westminster calling…
Established in 2010 and combining political commentary from leading journalists, with sector specific insight from Secretaries of State, Ministers and MPs
The Parliamentary Review is an indispensable guide to industry best practice, which demonstrates how sector leaders have responded to challenges in the political and economic environment. Golden Leaves are immensely proud to have been included in the 2019 edition as the sole best practice representative of the UK’s Funeral Planning industry.
The last 12 months have been incredibly significant for the Golden Leaves brand with accolades and accreditations arriving from many quarters. The business has briefly surfaced from a considerable period of significant strategic repositioning, redevelopment and restructure in order to take a short breath before plunging back into the ongoing developments.
“It has been an incredibly busy year, frequently punctuated by glittering highlights and intense periods of strategic planning and development.” Commented Barry Floyd – Golden Leaves Group Managing Director. “It has been a truly remarkable year though, and as such will probably stay in my mind as the single most successful year for the business since I arrived here 10 years ago.
For the business to have its Founder awarded an MBE from Her Majesty the Queen, in the same year as the brand is recognised as one of the growing businesses of the year and being a national finalist in the Amazon Business Awards, on top of gaining BSI ISO:9001 accreditation and launching the Independent sectors first guaranteed disbursement funeral plan is nothing short of sensational.
Our feet haven’t really touched the ground over the last twelve months and therefore to have been approached specifically in order to be featured in this year’s 2019 Parliamentary Review really is the icing on the cake.
There are some fantastic Funeral Planning companies operating in our sector and so to be selected as the best practice representative for the industry in such an important and prestigious publication has left us not only honoured but also deeply proud of the achievement.’
With statutory regulation on the horizon, the brand is busy at work preparing for the new regulatory landscape and its accompanying rule book, which is expected to be revealed this side of Christmas.
“We wont take too long to pause and celebrate this latest accolade – there really is far too much to be done in preparing the group for the arrival of direct regulation. The work has already commenced in earnest and whist most FCA requirements will be able to dovetailed into our existing BSI processes (which was one of the primary reasons for accreditation) we will be busy ensuring that the brand, our product proposition and distribution channels are ready for the next regulatory step.”